NWA Upstate Anniversary Anarchy IV

NWA Upstate FINALLY returned to action after a three-month absence Saturday May 17th for it’s four year anniversary show, Anniversary Anarchy IV. With everything that went down at February Fallout and the various changes that were made leading up to and even...

Terry Funk on In Your Head Recap

Terry Funk IYH Interview Recap by Neal Jones Terry Funk was the guest on In Your Head Wrestling Online Radio hosted by Jack, OneInchBiceps and Barbie Richards. Listen live every Wednesday 8:00-10:00 PM EST at http://www.inyourheadonline.com and check out our full FREE...

ROH “Take No Prisoners” PPV on 5/30

    ROH “Take No Prisoners” will premiere its pay-per-view on May 30th on iN DEMAND, The DISH Network, and TVN cable systems. “Take No Prisoners” describes the attitude of the entire ROH roster as it proves that ROH gives you the most...

Outback Jack on In Your Head recap

Outback Jack on IYH by Jason Davis InYourHeadOnline.Com, the premier wrestling online radio program hosted by Jack and OneInchBiceps has 80’S WWF talent Outback Jack on the show. Outback Jack was known for his brief stint in WWF and his brief feud with Frenchy...